Sea Salt


Sea Salt

Sea salt is salt that is produced by the evaporation of seawater. It is used as a seasoning in foods, cooking, cosmetics and for preserving food. It is also called bay salt, solar salt, or salt.Like mined rock salt, production of sea salt has been dated to prehistoric times

Various applications of our product:

  • Keeps you hydrated
  • Reduces fluid retention
  • A great source of minerals
  • Balances electrolytes
  • Prevents muscle cramps
  • Great for skin health
  • Nourishes the adrenal glands
  • Improves digestion
  • Regulates blood pressure

Salt Specifications

Sodium chloride (Nacl) 97.50% Minimum
Calcium (Ca) 0.35% Maximum
Magnesium (Mg) 0.70% Maximum
Moisture 4.00% Maximum
Particle size 2mm to 8 mm
Packing ½ kg , 1 kg , 25 kg, 50kg , 1 ton jumbo bag.
Above shown Specifications are for standard products. Customized Specifications can be supplied as per customer needs.