Frequently Asked Questions

Salt is a mineral largely consisting of the compound sodium chloride. Salt contains so much sodium chloride – around 98% by weight – that most people use the words “Salt” and “Sodium” interchangeably. Salt can be produced by evaporating salt water or extracting solid salt from underground salt mines. Humans have used salt to flavor and preserve foods for thousand of years. Interestingly , Sodium also plays an important role in several biological functions, including fluid balance, nerve conduction and muscle contraction.
Before it reaches your grocery store, table salt also goes through a refining process to remove impurities and any other minerals besides sodium chloride. In the refining process raw Crystal salt harvested from salt fields is crushed and washed in water to remove dust and other impurities present. Then it is dried to produce refined salt. Based on customer requirements additives such as iodine to prevent Iodine deficiency & anticaking agent to help absorb moisture are added.
Refined salt without any additives is a purified form of natural salt.
For manufacture of Iodised refined salt, Potassium Iodate [Iodising Agent] is added. To increase Shelf Life and flowability of refined salt, food grade precipitated Silica (anticaking agent) is added.
If Seawater brine is used for production of raw crystal salt in the salt fields then it is called Seasalt. As Tuticorin has a long shoreline seawater is widely used for production of raw salt. Seasalt is rich in essential minerals such as Sodium Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium etc.
Yes. If customer prefers more natural form of salt then refined salt without any additives can be supplied
Iodized salt is used to prevent iodine deficiency disorders. It is common salt containing traces of Iodine compound. Iodized salt looks, tastes and smells exactly like ordinary salt and it should be used in the same way.
Thyroid hormones are essential for normal growth, development and functioning of both the brain and body. Lack of iodine results in deficiency of these hormones and results in a wide spectrum of disorders, collectively called iodine deficiency disorders (Iodine is essential for the normal growth, development and functioning of brain and body. A lack of iodine can give rise to goiter and make a person dull, listless and easily tired. But more importantly without enough Iodine, a newborn’s brain and body can become permanently retarded and stunted. Iodine is vitally needed during early childhood, puberty and pregnancy. A woman who is deficient in iodine is likely to produce an abnormal child. If left untreated, the child’s mental health and physical condition worsens as he grows older.
Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) form a spectrum of abnormalities which include goiter, mental retardation, deaf mutism, squint, difficulties in standing or walking normally and stunting of the limbs. Iodine deficient women frequently suffer abortions and still births. Their children may be born deformed, mentally deficient or even cretins. All these problems caused by a simple lack of iodine, and goiter is the least tragic of them.
A goiter is a swelling of the neck caused by an enlarged thyroid gland. When the body does not get enough iodine; the thyroid increases in size. Not all goiters are visible. Many of them, particularly in the early stages, can be detected only by an experienced doctor. It is only when a goiter grows quite large that it can be seen and recognized by everyone. A person with a goiter many also has other hidden iodine deficiency disorders
An important fact about iodine is that although it is needed in tiny amounts, it is needed regularly, every day. While it could be taken every day like medicine or a vitamin tablet, this would involve taking a tablet every day for life. Salt, however is something that we all use every day. All of us eat roughly the same amount of salt 10-15 grams a day, and if it is iodized, we automatically get the right amount of iodine
No, it will not. All of us need only a certain amount of iodine to function normally. If this iodine ios already available to the body, it will simply reject any additional quantities and excrete it unused through the urine. On the other hand, if you are deficient of iodine, your thyroid gland will use as much as it needs and reject the rest. This makes iodized salt safe for everyone
Sale of non-iodized salt is banned in India. A low-cost testing kit is available which allows you to test for the iodine content of the salt on the spot.
Pink Himalayan Salt is a pink colored salt extracted from the Khewea Salt Mine, which is located near the Himalayas in Pakistan. The Khewra Salt Mine is one of the oldest and largest salt mines in the world. The Pink Himalayan Salt harvested from this mine is believed to have been formed millions of years ago from the evaporation of ancient bodies of water. The salt is hand – extracted and minimally processed to yield an unrefined product that’s free of additives and thought to be much more natural than table salt. Like table salt, pink Himalayan salt is mostly comprised of sodium chloride. However, the natural harvesting process allows pink Himalayan salt to possess many other minerals and trace elements that are not found in regular table salt. Some people estimate it may contain up to 84 different minerals and trace elements. In fact , it’s these very minerals , especially iron , that give it its characteristic pink colour.
Pink Himalayan salt is a type of salt that’s naturally pink in colour and mined near the Himalayas in Pakistan. Many people claim that it’s loaded with minerals and provides incredible health benefits. For these reasons, pink Himalayan salt is often thought to be much healthier than regular table salt. However, little research on pink Himalayan salt exists , and other people insist that these extravagant health claims are nothing more than speculation. This article looks at the key differences between pink Himalayan salt and regular salt and evaluates the evidence to decide which type of salt is healthier. Despite the fact that pink Himalayan salt only contains tiny amounts of additional minerals, many people still claim that it can provide a number of health benefits. The truth is most of these claims do not have any research to support them. Some of pink Himalayan salt’s commonly promoted health claims include that it can :  Improve respiratory diseases  Balance your body’s Ph  Reduce signs of aging.  Improve sleep quality  Regulate blood sugar  Increase libido Some of the claims related to the non – dietary uses of pink Himalayan salt may be loosely based on research.
The main differences between sea salt and table salt are in their taste , texture and processing.Sea Salt is produced through evaporation of ocean water or water from saltfields , usually with little processing . Depending on the water source, this leaves behind certain trace minerals and elements. The minerals add flavor and colour to sea salt , which also comes in a variety of coarseness levels. Table salt is processed and more purified form of raw salt . Purification eliminates impurities and reduces other mineral contents.It may contain an additive to prevent clumping.Most table salt also has added iodine , as essential nutrient that helps maintain a healthy thyroid. Sea salt and table salt have the same basic nutritional value, despite the fact that sea salt is often promoted as being healthier. Sea salt and table salt contain comparable amounts of sodium by weight.
Induppu is Tamil or Malayalam Name for rock salt or Himalayan Salt.
Kosher Salt or Koshering Salt is a name used in U.S for coarse edible salt. Outside the US it is Called Kitchen Salt , Cooking Salt, flake salt without common additives such as Iodine. It is Used in cooking and not at the table., it consists mainly of sodium chloride and may include anticaking agents.
Yes . Salt & water solution can help to a great extent to destroy viruses and bacteria. Historically it has been used to very commonly to treat sore throat.

S.K.S.C. NADARAJAN & BROR. Salt company since 1942
Tag: Tuticorin Salt | India Salt | Tamil nadu Salt | Salt company Tuticorin | Salt company tamil nadu | Salt company India | India old salt company | SKSC salt | salt Thoothukudi | salt exporter tuticorin | Thoothukudi salt | Sea salt Thoothukudi | Sea salt tuticorin | Thoothukudi traditional salt | Thoothukudi salt exporter | deicing salt tuticorin | deicing salt exporter | Tuticorin saltern | thoothukudi saltern | South India salt company | South indian salt export | Kerala salt supplier | Salt supplier

Regular consumption of iodized salt helps to prevent iodine deficiency disorders like lowered IQ, Mental retardation, Stunting paralysis, Speech and hearing defects.